
Tonight’s City Council Agenda

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Tonight's City Council meeting will be held at 6PM at Kristenwood.  The meeting is open to the public.  The agenda is below.

I. Preliminary Business 
1) Call to Order 
2) Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance 
3) Roll Call 
4) Approval of the minutes from the February 25, 2014 council meeting 

II. Unfinished Business 

III. New Business 
1) Mayor’s report and presentations. 
2) Introduction of the following item(s) (with public hearing to be held at the March 25, 2014 council meeting):  

3) Public Hearing and action regarding the following instrument(s): 
a) An ordinance to amend Ordinance No. 2013-18 enacting the 2013-2014 Fiscal Year General Fund Budget to appropriate funds for flood impact studies of the Comite River, Blackwater Bayou, Draughans Creek and Hubbs Bayou and to provide for related matters. (By Councilman Moak) 
b) An ordinance to adopt a Leave Policy for full-time employees of the City of Central and to provide for related matters. (By Mayor Pro-Tempore Washington) 
IV. Zoning Cases 
1) Introduction of the following item(s) (with public hearing to be held at the March 25, 2014 
council meeting): 
2) Discussion and action regarding the following case(s): 
V. Other Business 
1) Public Comment 
* Restricted to items not on the agenda. A Public Comment Request to Speak Card must be turned in to the City Clerk prior to the start of the meeting in order to be considered. Public comment is limited to 10 speakers with three minutes each. 
2) Announcements 
3) Adjournment