I believe the full impact of Baton Rouge Community College coming to Central will not be fully understood for some time. In discussions with Senator White, Mayor Watts and the officials from BRCC I got just a glimpse of the potential benefits for our community, and I am excited for Central.
Imagine the benefit to our High School students who will now be able to get college credit for dual enrollment courses offered right here in Central. Currently those students who do participate travel to BRCC for the classes. Imagine also as the course offerings expand, the ability to attend night or weekend school to earn a degree while working a full time job.
The “anchor” programs of Avionics and Aircraft Maintenance offer a unique opportunity to young men and women in Central that are looking for career opportunities that were previously not available. In addition, students from well outside of Central will be fueling up, eating lunch and shopping in Central.
As the course offerings and technical programs taught from this facility mature and expand, it is not unlikely that other private industry may come to this area of Central. I am not a proponent of over-development of Central, but Hooper Road is and always will be a major thoroughfare, and thus a reasonable place for such economic development. Our Master Plan Land Use Map provides for this type of growth in this area.
It is great to see an unused and existing asset, this fine but empty facility, be put to good use to benefit the people of Central. It is very important that all growth in Central be well planned so as to preserve the rural feel and lifestyle we enjoy. It is also important that we bring in businesses that will provide the tax base to support our schools and city infrastructure. I believe the arrival of BRCC in Central this fall is a great step in this direction. Expect good things to come from this. This is Good News for a Great City.