
Become All Things

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Submitted by Sue Shaffer, Director of Children's Ministries at The Church in Central

“Most of the kids didn’t want to play with me,” he cried, “I was too poor for them.”  His voiced cracked as tears trailed down his face, as he continued, “I didn’t have any shoes like the other kids, but this kid did play with me,” and he pointed to my son, “He took HIS shoes off so that we could walk barefoot together.”
I was so proud of my son that day.  It was so encouraging watching this young boy that came from an extremely poor family be transformed through the power of God. 
The apostle Paul writes that he became all things to all men so that he might win a few. 
So as brothers and sisters in Christ, I invite you to get into the world of others so that you too, like Paul and my son, can win a few.