
Articles Getting Caught in Spam Filter

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By Beth Fussell

The staff has noticed that recently, several submitted articles have gotten caught in our spam filter.  As a result, we have printed some articles late or not at all.  We would like to apologize to anyone whose submitted information was not published in a timely fashion.  It was not due to a lack of desire on our part to publish your information, but rather the result of a technical error.  To prevent such problems in the future, anyone who submits an article via email or through the website for publishing will receive a reply email letting them know that we received the article.  If you do not get a reply email from us within 24 hours of submission, please give us a call at 262-3730 so that we are sure that we do not miss your submission. relies largely on members of the community for the news, so it is important to us that we publish all of the information you send to us.  Thank you for your patience as we resolve this issue.