CS | February 13, 2015
CAPA Corner: Another Love
I have to make a confession; I have another love in my life besides my wife! Sound...
CS | February 10, 2015
St. Alphonsus Parishoners Enjoy Carribbean Cruise
St. Alphonsus Catholic Church parishioners, along with Father Mike Moroney, recently took a seven day Carnival Cruise...
CS | February 9, 2015
CAPA Corner: King Cake
Recently I found myself in a conversation with an Australian, Mexican, and Texan discussing “King Cakes.” One...
CS | February 3, 2015
February Events at First Baptist Church Central
Submitted by First Baptist Church Central Two very special events are coming up as we try to...
CS | February 2, 2015
Deerford United Methodist Assists Food Bank
Two members of Deerford United Methodist Church, Hwy. 64 at Blackwater Rd., delivered a donation to the Zachary...
CS | January 28, 2015
CAPA Corner
An Acquired Taste Psalm 34:8 O taste and see that the Lord is good: blessed is the man...
CS | January 20, 2015
CAPA Corner
I’ll admit that when it gets freezing cold in the winter...
CS | January 19, 2015
St. Alphonsus Festival of Two Rivers Coming Next Month
St. Alphonsus will host the 7th annual Festival of Two Rivers Auction – A Taste of Central –...
CS | January 19, 2015
CAPA Corner
Beginning in 1984, Americans have noted the third Sunday of January as a day to recognize and...
CS | December 17, 2014
CAPA Corner: The True Message of Christmas
She will give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus, because he...