All posts by CS
CS | May 27, 2010
CHS Class of 1955 Reunion
Submitted by Joan Lansing The Central High Class of 1955 has located all of our Class Graduates! We...
CS | May 27, 2010
9 Students Graduate from Dyslexic Program
Submitted by The Central Masonic Lodge 442 During the past ten years 34 children have graduated from the...
CS | May 27, 2010
June “Neighborhood Connections”
Newsletters are written and submitted by Jeanie Barnett. Crystal Place Connections is now Neighborhood Connections, as the newsletter currently...
CS | May 27, 2010
Central Women’s Club Meeting & Shopping Event
Submitted by the Central Women's Club Central Women's Club will meet Wednesday June 2,2010 at Central Perk (on...
CS | May 26, 2010
CPS Students Garner Top Awards in Academic Competitions
Submitted by Central Private School Central Private students competed at the Southeast Louisiana District Literary Rally, the Louisiana...
CS | May 26, 2010
Lockhart Insurance Works with CCAL to Promote Child Safety
By Beth Fussell Lockhart Insurance Agency, a Central business, has recently been named by CCAL as the...
CS | May 26, 2010
Register Now for CHS Basketball Camp
Submitted by Central High School Athletics The Central High Basketball Camp will be held at Central Middle School...
CS | May 26, 2010
School Board Discusses $247,438 School Construction Change Order
By Dave Freneaux In the May 24th regularly scheduled school board meeting, an item which was eventually removed...
CS | May 26, 2010
CCSS Summer Food Service Program
Submitted by the Central Community School System The Central Community School District is participating in the Summer Food...
CS | May 26, 2010
Storytelling with Janie Gill
Children ages 3 and up are invited to join the Library for a special storytime with Janie Gill!...