All posts by CS
CS | June 16, 2015
Agenda for June 25 Board of Adjustments Meeting
From the City of Central The City of Central Board of Adjustments will hold a public hearing...
CS | June 16, 2015
Agenda for June 25 Planning & Zoning Meeting
From the City of Central The City of Central Planning & Zoning Commission will hold a public...
CS | June 16, 2015
CHS Kittens Take Top Honors at Dance Camp
Congratulations to the CHS Kittens for their amazing performance at the American Allstar dance camp this week....
CS | June 15, 2015
CCSS Facilities & Equipment Meeting Tonight
The Facilities/Equipment Committee will meet on Monday, June 15, 2015 in the Meeting Room of the Administrative Offices beginning at 6:00 P.M. The meeting...
CS | June 15, 2015
Mark Klein and Miranda Quartemont to Wed June 20
Mark Hunter Klein, currently of Alexandria, but born and raised in Central, and a graduate of Central...
CS | June 15, 2015
St. Alphonsus Beta Club Wins Talent Show at Convention
The St Alphonsus Beta Club took first place in Group Talent at the State Junior Beta Convention...
CS | June 15, 2015
CPS Alumnus Earns Doctor of Pharmacy Degree
Auburn University’s James I. Harrison School of Pharmacy held its Spring 2015 commencement ceremony on Tuesday, May...
CS | June 15, 2015
Kade Keowen and Katelyn Sharp to Wed in Denham Springs
Mr. and Mrs. Greg Sharp of Denham Springs, La are pleased to announce the engagement of their...
CS | June 15, 2015
Knights of Columbus Blood Drive
The St. Alphonsus Knights of Columbus 2807 recently held its quarterly blood drive. Over 60 pints of...
CS | June 12, 2015
The Central Chamber Report: “Now, More Than Ever”
Now, more than ever, our local businesses are going to need your support! Louisiana, as you may...