All posts by CS
CS | July 23, 2015
EBRSO Makes Two Arrests for Thefts at Wal Mart
On Thursday, July 16, an EBRSO Deputy arrested Bryan Zachary of Denham Springs for Theft of Goods....
CS | July 23, 2015
Arrest Made for Carnal Knowledge of a Juvenile
Central Speaks tries to exercise discretion in what is printed about domestic violence and sexual crimes, because...
CS | July 22, 2015
Ladies Conference at Grace Family Church
Grace Family Church, at 13268 Denham Road, is holding their Ladies Conference July 31 through August 1. The speaker will be Mary Ann...
CS | July 22, 2015
CIS Clinic Locations Named Level One WellSpots by DHH
From Cardiovascular Institute of the South Cardiovascular Institute of the South’s 14 clinic locations have been designated...
CS | July 21, 2015
Free Barre Class Saturday at Central Square
Join us for Barre in the Square, presented by Movement, Conditioning with a Cause, on Saturday, July 25...
CS | July 21, 2015
Forrest Smith Qualifies for Motocross Championship
2015 Red Bull AMA Amateur National Motocross Championship at Loretta Lynn Ranch in Tennessee is the world’s largest...
CS | July 21, 2015
Knights of Columbus Installs New Officers
The Knights of Columbus St. Alphonsus Council 2807 held its annual installation of officers and banquet recently....
CS | July 21, 2015
Wallace Edwards Celebrates 50 Years with Masons
Congratulations to Wallace Edwards, who received his 50 year recognition plaque from the Masonic Lodge.
CS | July 21, 2015
Tips for a Happy Start to the New School Year
Summer is quickly coming to an end and it is time to prepare for the new school...
CS | July 21, 2015
Stalker Arrested
Raheem Howard of Baker has been arrested by the EBR Sheriff's Office on felony charges including Stalking,...