All posts by CS
CS | December 17, 2015
Trenton Guay To Play in NUC High School All American Game
The National Underclassmen Combine is a professional recruiting program and assessment evaluation function for high school...
CS | December 16, 2015
Central Wins Kinsley Championship in Overtime
By Ben Cox The 37th annual Charles T. Kinsley Championship came to an exciting end with host...
CS | December 16, 2015
CAPA Corner: The Meaning of Christmas
The birth of Jesus was announced by a host of angels to shepherds keeping watch over their...
CS | December 16, 2015
In Memoriam: Jimmy Forrest, Sr.
Jimmy Allen Forrest, Sr. passed away peacefully on December 13, 2015 surrounded by his family. He was...
CS | December 16, 2015
The Central Chamber Report: Krewe De Centrale’ Celebrates 10 Years!
The Christmas season is still in full swing but we are quickly moving towards the end of...
CS | December 15, 2015
In Memoriam: Camry Whitney
Camry Joyce Whitney, daughter of Kolby and Kelsey Whitney of Central, was born November 17, 2015 weighing...
CS | December 15, 2015
Knights of Columbus Feed LSU Students During Exams
The St. Alphonsus Council of Knights of Columbus 2807 served a jambalaya dinner to over 400 LSU...
CS | December 15, 2015
Connor and Lauren Hinson Welcome Twins Corbin and Callie
Connor and Lauren Hinson are pleased to announce the birth of their twins, Corbin and Callie Hinson....
CS | December 15, 2015
Tanglewood First Graders Learn to be Money Smart
Submitted by Whitney Bank Central Whitney Bank employees Stephen David and Lori Johnson joined Junior Achievement recently...
CS | December 15, 2015
Central Council on Aging Bowling Tournament Winners
If you are not attending the Central Council on Aging you are missing out on some great...