CS | April 15, 2011Wildcat Softball Wins Final Home Game & Recognizes Seniors
Photos by Expressions Photography Stats submitted by Coach Don Henry On Tuesday, April 12th, the Central High...
CS | April 15, 2011CHS Senior Athletics Convocation May 1st
Submitted by CHS Tennis Coach Carmen Evans There will be a Central High School Senior Athletic Convocation...
CS | April 15, 2011Zoar Car & Bike Show May 7th
Zoar Baptist Church Car & Bike Show Saturday, May 7th 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon Free Admission, Free...
CS | April 15, 2011Raising Cane’s Pairs Up with Central Schools for Fundraiser
Submitted by Brad Pine Above are photos of the delivery of funds from the fundrasier Raising Cane’s...
CS | April 15, 2011CMS Students Take Part in Regional Social Studies Fair
Submitted by Denice Thomas On Thursday, March 31st, Central Middle School participated in the Region XI Social...
CS | April 15, 2011Parent Workshop April 19 at Central Academy
Central Academy and Child Care at 9739 Joor Rd. will host a parent workshop on Tuesday, April...
CS | April 14, 2011Cooking in Central- Sixth Year Success
By Dave Freneaux The sixth annual Cooking in Central, one of Central's premier annual events and fondly...
CS | April 14, 2011Today’s Newspaper PDF Online
As a service to our readers and our advertisers, the CentralSpeaks.com newspaper in its entirety, formatted exactly as...
CS | April 14, 2011From the Mayor’s Desk: April 14, 2011
COOKING IN CENTRAL 2011: My sincerest gratitude goes out to all the many volunteers that worked throughout...
CS | April 14, 2011Central Speaks Up: 4/14/11 Letter to the Editor
Hard Work & Persistence Trademarks of Cooking in Central I have been in living in Central for...