CS | May 11, 2012Local High School Graduation Information
Central Private School’s graduation will be held today, May 11th at 7 PM at Zoar Baptist Church....
CS | May 11, 2012Central Speaks Radio Hour to Focus on Politics
Central Speaks Radio Hour is turning its focus just about exclusively to politics. Hosted by...
CS | May 11, 2012Central Athletics Needs Your Sports Photos!
Central Athletics is looking for any and all Central athletic pictures the community is able to provide. They...
CS | May 11, 2012In Memoriam: Frances Hazlip Sibley
December 7, 1926 – April 25, 2012 A resident of the Central area since...
CS | May 11, 2012CCA Forum this Tuesday on Community Organizations
Submitted by the Central Community Alliance The Central Community Alliance will hold their next...
CS | May 11, 2012Treat Your Mom to a Super Mom Mini Makeover
Join us to celebrate Mother’s Day and show her how much you love her! Saturday May 12th...
CS | May 11, 2012Wales Puts His Hair on the Line
By Dave Freneaux Imagine Central High School Principal Bob Wales with his hair shaved and...
CS | May 11, 2012Congratulations to the New 2012-2013 Central High School Kittens
Photo by Michael Spangler
CS | May 10, 20122012 Graduation Edition Online
As a service to our readers and our advertisers, the CentralSpeaks.com Graduation Edition in its entirety, formatted exactly...
CS | May 10, 2012Today’s Newspaper PDF Online
As a service to our readers and our advertisers, the CentralSpeaks.com newspaper in its entirety, formatted exactly as...