CS | May 18, 2012Local Businesses Make The Central Story Possible
Press Release RV Cams is the most recent Central business that has decided to sponsor...
CS | May 18, 2012Congratulations to CCSS Teachers & Support Employees of the Year
CONGRATULATIONS! The following staff members were named the CCSS Teachers & Support Employees of the Year at...
CS | May 18, 2012Another Fun All-Pro Dads Breakfast at Central Intermediate
Dads are cheered on by their kids to win the pushup competition. All won gift certificates from...
CS | May 18, 2012Civil Air Patrol Cadets Reach Flight Training Milestone
Pictured Above: Capt. Al Spain, Instructor; Cadet C/SrA Ian D. Woldt; Mjr. Pat Kerr, Instructor; Cadet...
CS | May 18, 2012Board of Adjustments Agenda for May 24 Meeting
PUBLIC NOTICE The City of Central Board of Adjustments will hold a public hearing on May...
CS | May 17, 2012Missing Cat
Missing cat: Male, white with brown spots and blue eyes. Very friendly. He has been missing from his home...
CS | May 17, 2012CMS Principals Named
By Dave Freneaux Sandy Davis and Jason Fountain will be teaming up to serve as...
CS | May 17, 2012Tanglewood Elementary Recognized for Cooking in Central Efforts
Photo by Michael Spangler At Monday’s School Board meeting, Tanglewood Elementary School was recognized for having the most...
CS | May 17, 201210th Anniversary Zoar Baptist Car Show Moved to This Saturday
May 19 (moved due to weather), 9 AM – 1 PM For all classes & categories Vehicle...
CS | May 17, 2012Today’s Newspaper PDF Online
As a service to our readers and our advertisers, the CentralSpeaks.com newspaper in its entirety, formatted exactly as...