CS | July 18, 2013Today’s Newspaper PDF Online
As a service to our readers and our advertisers, the CentralSpeaks.com newspaper in its entirety, formatted exactly as...
CS | July 18, 2013CHS Workday This Saturday – We Need Your Help!
Plan on coming out to Central High School for a community workday this Saturday, July 20th...
CS | July 18, 20132018 Central Elections Moved to Fall
In 2018 Central's elections for Mayor, Council and Chief of Police will be held in the...
CS | July 18, 2013Good News for a Great City
Happy 100th Birthday Earl Turner! – Earl and Daisy Turner are long time members of Blackwater UMC...
CS | July 18, 2013$2 Million Savings Likely: Kathi Cowen & Councilman Moak Led the Charge
The result of the Beaver Bayou Flood Risk Analysis study is in, and it is BIG,...
CS | July 18, 2013Councilman Moak Proposes City-Wide Flood Study
With the potential $2 million savings in flood insurance premiums resulting from the Beaver Bayou Watershed...
CS | July 17, 2013Glynn and Gaynelle Murray Celebrate Their 50th Anniversary
Glynn and Gaynelle Murray celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary June 22nd with an anniversary party at...
CS | July 17, 2013Dr. Tommy Gould Joins Zachary Family Practice
Submitted by Lane RMC Dr. Tommy Gould, Family Practice, has joined the staff of Zachary Family...
CS | July 17, 2013St Alphonsus Knights of Columbus Installs Officers
Picture by KC 2807 The St. Alphonsus Knights Of Columbus Council 2807 recently held their Installations...
CS | July 17, 2013Patrick and Sheree Gerald Welcome Son Kendall Patrick II
Patrick and Sheree Gerald of Central are proud to announce the birth of their first child,...