CS | December 20, 2013Thank You for Your Generosity
Photos by Michael Spangler The Central Community Assistance Foundation “adopted” local children for Christmas this year....
CS | December 20, 2013Second Annual Christmas Tour of Homes Slideshow
CS | December 20, 2013No Newspaper Next Week
Central Speaks will not print next week, December 26th. We will return on January 2nd, and Central Speaks...
CS | December 19, 2013Today’s Newspaper PDF Online
As a service to our readers and our advertisers, the CentralSpeaks.com newspaper in its entirety, formatted exactly as...
CS | December 19, 2013Nominate Central’s Citizens of the Year
Representatives from Central's charitable organizations will be selecting Central's 2013 "Citizen of the Year.” Send your...
CS | December 19, 2013Journey to Bethlehem Saturday & Sunday at Blackwater Methodist
Journey to Bethlehem returns this year to Blackwater United Methodist Church. Journey to Bethlehem tells the...
CS | December 19, 2013Central Accepted into Community Rating System
From the City of Central The city of Central was accepted by FEMA into National Flood...
CS | December 19, 2013Rudolph, Charlie Brown, and The Grinch
Growing up, my brothers and I knew for sure that Christmas was near when we got...
CS | December 18, 2013Central Sales Tax Report
From the City of Central Sales tax revenues within the city of Central were up 3.8%...
CS | December 18, 2013The City of Central Chamber of Commerce C4 Report: Sweet Impressions says “I’m In”
“When we joined the Central Chamber? Years ago, we wanted to get to know other business...