CS | April 30, 2014Ninth Grade Academy Informational Meetings
The ninth grade academy of Central High would like to invite you to attend an informational parent meeting about...
CS | April 30, 2014Found Dog in Northwoods
Found in the Northwoods subdivision on Monday, April 28th with no collar or tags. Please call (225) 235-8205 to identify with age/size,...
CS | April 30, 2014Jimmy and Charlotte Austin Celebrate 50th Anniversary
Jimmy and Charlotte Austin, 40 year residents of Central, celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary on May 1st...
CS | April 30, 2014Cheerleading Tryouts Saturday
Tryouts for the Hurricanes Allstar cheerleading team will be held Saturday, May 3rd at Cheersport Academy...
CS | April 30, 2014Lunch and Learn with Author Leslie Lancaster
Please join us for a Lunch & Learn on Wednesday, May 7 at 11:30 am at...
CS | April 29, 2014Plant Sale May 10th
CS | April 29, 2014More Men Experiencing ED as They Age; Finding Right Treatment Plan is Key
Dr. J. Dudley Atkinson – Atkinson performs these surgeries along with a full complement of traditional...
CS | April 29, 2014Free Seminar for Men Tonight at Ochsner
Date: Tuesday, April 29 Time: 6 p.m. Location: Ochsner Medical Center of Baton Rouge – 17000 Medical Center Drive, Baton Rouge,...
CS | April 29, 2014CAPA Corner
An S-4 submarine was rammed and sunk off the coast of Massachusetts. The entire crew was...
CS | April 29, 2014In Memoriam: Wilbur Waters
Wilbur Joseph "Whitey" Waters died on April 25, 2014 at 1:00 PM at Lane Regional Medical...