CS | May 17, 2018Rebels in State Baseball Finals
Central Private Baseball has made it to the MAIS state finals! CPS has made a statement with their...
CS | May 17, 2018City Income Status
The City Council Budget Workshop held on Monday evening brought to light that Central’s income growth has stalled...
CS | May 17, 2018Campaign Signs & Graduation
The campaign signs have begun to appear for Central’s November elections, but what does that have to do...
CS | May 17, 2018Today’s Newspaper PDF Online
As a service to our readers and our advertisers, the CentralSpeaks.com newspaper in its entirety, formatted exactly as...
CS | May 3, 2018Annual Zoar Car Show May 12
16th Annual Zoar Car Show Saturday, May 12, 2018 8am -2pm Zoar Baptist Church – 11848 Hooper Road Register...
CS | May 1, 2018Central High School Presents “The Pajama Game”
Submitted by Claire Clinkingbeard Students from the CHS Talented Music and Theatre program will present The Pajama Game May...
CS | April 30, 2018No Additional State Funding for Central City Hall
State House Bill 2 last week moved to the House floor for approval with no increase in funding for...
CS | April 30, 2018Council Approves City Hall Land Purchase
At last week’s meeting, Central’s City Council voted unanimously to authorize Mayor Shelton to enter into an agreement with...
CS | April 26, 2018Rep. Hodges Pushes for Capital Outlay Amendment to Fund Hooper Road Extension
Capital Outlay includes $72 Million for Comite River Diversion Canal Project Press Release The House Committee on Ways...
CS | April 26, 2018CHS Baseball Hosting Playoffs This Weekend
Central Wildcat Baseball will be hosting the second round playoff series this weekend against Parkway! All games this...