CS | August 11, 2008More CP Football Pictures
Enjoy the latest batch of parent-contributed photos of a Central Private scrimmage.
CS | August 11, 2008Central Private Football Scrimmage Pictures
Central Private scrimmaged Wilkinson County Christian Academy last week. An parent sent in these pictures to share with...
CS | August 8, 2008Youth Football Kicks Off This Month
The Southern Louisiana Youth Football Association or SLYFA, begins its 2008 season on August 30th with a jamboree...
admin | August 7, 2008bon bon Bakery & Coffee Emporium – Central’s Newest Restaurant
bon bon Bakery & Coffee Emporium opens its doors for business at 6:00 AM this Friday, 8/8/8. Lindy...
admin | August 7, 2008The Village at Magnolia Square Update
The Village at Magnolia Square is now accepting lot selections as of August 1st. Call the Magnolia Square...
admin | August 6, 2008CHS Football Camp 2008
set:72157606579927126 Just a few pictures from Camp Ruth Lee. The players have had a great time with team...
admin | August 6, 2008Central High Class of 1988 Reunion
If you know of anyone that graduated from Central High in 1988, we need your help! They...
admin | August 6, 2008X-Treme Makeover Youth Girls Conference
X-Treme Makeover Youth Girls Conference Saturday August 23 Ages 12-19 8:30am registration 9:00am – 3:00pm with Lunch provided...
admin | August 6, 2008CMS Orientation was well attended
Central Middle School held orientation on Monday and Tuesday for new students. Mr. Cashio told parents that he...
admin | August 5, 2008Relay for Life Planning Meetings
The American Cancer Society Relay For Life in Central will be held Friday, October 3, 2008 on...