CS | July 1, 2009Rock the River Tour This Month
Saturday, July 18th, from 2:30- 9:30 PM, the Rock the River Tour is coming to Baton Rouge. It...
CS | June 30, 2009Israel Emergency Aid
On Sunday, July 12th, Adi Zahavi, International Coordinator for the Israel Emergency Aid Fund, will be at Greenwell...
CS | June 29, 2009Sheriff Asks for Donations for Central Woods
The Community Services Division of the EBR Sheriff’s Office helps local residents to start neighborhood watch programs in...
CS | June 26, 2009Garage Sale for American Cancer Society
Tomorrow, Saturday June 27, there will be a garage sale at Central Middle School from 7 AM- noon....
CS | June 26, 2009Central Students’ Prayer Banquet
The annual Central Students’ Prayer Banquet will happen this year on Wednesday, July 29 at 6:30 PM in...
CS | June 25, 2009Burn Ban in Central
There has been a burn ban issued for the entire Central fire district. The ban, issued by Fire...
CS | June 24, 2009Immanuel Baptist’s 35th Anniversary
Immanuel Baptist Church on Lovett Road will be celebrating its 35th anniversary this weekend on June 28. They...
CS | June 23, 2009Grayhawk Perkins at Library Today
Native American storyteller Grayhawk Perkins will be at both the Central Branch Library and the Greenwell Springs Road...
CS | June 18, 2009Comite Diversion Canal Tour
Mark your calendar for the Comite Diversion Canal Tour this Saturday, June 20 at 9 AM. There will be...
CS | June 18, 20099 & Under Baseball Players Needed
9 and under baseball players are needed for fall and CAYL league play. Players must turn 9 by...