$157,000 Project Climbs to $4.3 Million

Central’s efforts to build a City Hall funded primarily by the State began in 2008, and led to almost $2 million in state funding available as of July 1, 2014. Because the project was not begun while the funding was available, the state was able to reduce the funding in 2016 and 2017 to its present level of $400,000.
In addition to the decrease in available state funding, the cost and size of the proposed City Hall has been expanded from a $2 million project of 11,000 square feet, to a $4.7 million project of 17,000 square feet. Mayor Shelton’s proposed City Hall would house Central’s three employees and the private city services contractor, and would provide space for City and School Board meetings, but would not house the School System offices.
Mayor Shelton states “This is a building, that Mayor Mac Watts put into motion many years ago”, but a closer comparison reveals the significant size and cost differences. The expansion of the project and the loss of state funding has resulted in a large increase in the amount to be funded by the City of Central. The original project would have cost Central $157,000, while the current proposed building calls for $4.3 million to be funded out of Central’s cash reserves.
There have been no public meetings to discuss the size, cost, or layout of the proposed City Hall. The next step will be for the City Council to vote on whether to spend $4.7 million of Central’s cash reserves to buy the land and construct the building.