
Take Charge Now

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CoplinHeadshotB    Did you know that 15 Marathon runners can fit into an elevator? We’ve been talking about exercise and weight reduction for some time now but at a normal person’s level.  Last week-end, Helen and I had to travel to Memphis for a day or two and when the elevator in our hotel opened, 15 marathon runners entered.  The St Judes’s Marathon was being held and our hotel was the center for the run. We were told that 22,000 people had entered.
    As I looked around at all the entrants, I saw bottles of water, healthy meals of fruits, vegetables and protein being consumed and a lot of healthy, happy people. A few, admittedly were too skinny, but probably a better extreme than BMI’s of 30- 40 that we see a lot of around Louisiana. I know, as you read this that you know about BMI from being a faithful follower of this column and that anything over 30 is morbidly obese and presents a major life threat.
    To run a Marathon is a bit extreme for the everyday person, but a program of regular exercise and healthy eating is a desired goal for a lifestyle of a good human experience.  If you are having problems with your diet, one way to start is to read and follow the book “The New Adkins Diet”.  If that doesn’t work, I understand that if you follow the Ideal Protein program from start to finish the way it has been designed, it will give you a head start on weight reduction and that help improve your human experience.
    And, that 10 minute walk?  You can burn 50 calories in a brisk 10 minute walk.  Not the number of calories of a Marathon, but enough to reverse the process of adding calories and weight. 
    So take charge now. Improve your human experience. Take your ten minute walk right now…and get someone to go with you.  And don’t forget to call your Physical Therapist  …You’ll be glad you did.
Tom Coplin PT
Central Physical Therapy