
Host Family Sought for English Immersion Program

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Submitted by Carole Whitesell
    Families are needed to host one of the French students arriving July 9-July 29 as part of the Nacel Open Door-LA French Immersion Program.There are girl and boy students in need of a family.  Students range in age from 15-17 years of age.  The student can share a room but must have own bed.  Students have their own spending money and insurance.  Students are here on an English immersion program and will be focusing on speaking English.  Students  are interested in Louisiana because of its connection with France, its music, food, and learning about the “real” American way of life.  Students can travel with their host family if the family goes out of town.  Out of country travel is not permitted.
    Louisiana is also known for its Cajun French and Acadian culture.  The language and culture of the Cajuns and Acadians are in danger of  being lost.  Schools are choosing not to have a French language program, which is sad.  We must take steps to preserve these treasures. 
    Hosting a student from France gives our children a look into the French culture and a reason to take French as their second language.  You can obtain information on the students available, i.e. picture, interests, age, etc., by contacting Carole Whitesell, at 225-287-2190 or emailing [email protected].