
CAPA Corner

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Husbands, when you get this issue of news, you will have less than three days to get your wife something special for Valentine’s Day. You can thank me for the reminder some other time!

Valentine’s Day is about love. And we express healthy love within relationships other than marriage – parent/child, sibling, and friendship to mention a few. But most agree that marriage is a distinct relationship. It’s the only relationship of which Jesus said, “What God has joined together let man not separate.” (Matthew 19:6).

We often recognize the distinctiveness of marriage but we struggle with the “do-ableness” of marriage. This is not a complete marriage manual but here are three Biblical tips for a “do-able” marriage.

First, recognize the higher purpose of your marriage. (Ephesians 5:32)  A godly marriage will be fulfilling, joyful, satisfying, happy – all the above. But that is not the purpose for marriage. One’s marriage is for the glory of God by reflecting the relationship between Christ and the Church. Husbands, you will have a dream marriage as you reflect Christ in the way you love your wife. Wives, you will have a marriage on par with any fantasy as you reflect the Church’s relationship with Christ in the way you relate to your husband.

Second, husbands love your wife (Ephesians 5:33). Love is to be thought of as a verb not a noun. Love isn’t something we are in and out of but something we do every day. And loving one’s wife is readily seen when one serves his wife. Serve her by helping her with her responsibilities around the house. Serve her by acting in ways that cause her to feel secure and cared for.

Third, wives respect your husband (Ephesians 5:33). There are always appeals for exceptions, but a husband that truly loves his wife the way described by the Bible inspires confidence, stirs loyalty, and arouses respect. He will feel respected when you respond to his attempts to be a spiritual leader in the relationship. He will feel respected when you value his work. He feels respected when you cheer him on in life.

Putting these simple tips into practice will make marriage “do-able” for you.

Now run out and get that card and a box of chocolates!

Jeff Stanfill,

Covenant Church