
Bundle Up for Heart Health: Avoiding a Cold Weather Heart Attack

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    Now that winter is finally here, you may be taking precautions for pipes, plants and pets, but you should 

also be aware of increased risk to your heart! Studies show the number of heart attacks increase during 

the colder months. Doctors point to the relationship between cold weather and strenuous activity as a 

factor. This relationship can even affect people who have not had previous heart issues.

    “It is not uncommon that cardiac events, such as heart attacks, occur more in the colder seasons," said 

Dr. Douglas Mendoza, Cardiology Chair for Ochsner Medical Center – Baton Rouge. 

    Cold weather can cause your arteries to constrict. This can mean your heart has to work harder due to 

a rise in blood pressure and pulse. Additionally, during the colder months, platelets are more prone to 

abnormally aggregate, causing clots. Throw in elevated heart rates due to activity and it spells trouble 

for some people.

    Strenuous activity can be anything from that New Year’s resolution workout routine to the annual family 

ski trip to hunting or even exerting yourself at a chilly Mardi Gras parade. Dr. Mendoza recommends 

that certain patients with a significant cardiac history avoid outdoors cold-weather activity all together. 

Some other ways to protect yourself in the colder months include:

 Dress in layers. This traps air between layers, forming a protective insulation.

 Wear a hat or head scarf. Up to 30% of body heat is lost through your head.

 Keep your hands and feet warm as they also tend to lose heat rapidly. Exposed hands, ears or 

any other body part will result in constricted blood flow to these appendages, increasing the risk 

of frostbite.

 Avoid drinking alcoholic beverages before going outdoors or while outside. Alcohol gives an 

initial feeling of warmth, because blood vessels in the skin expand. Heat is then drawn away 

from the body's vital organs resulting in a net loss of heat.

 Stay dry. Dampness causes the body to lose heat faster than it would at the same temperature 

in drier conditions.

 Know your risk factors. Talk to your doctor about your family history and stay up to date on 

appropriate health screenings.

For more information on comprehensive cardiac care at Ochsner, visit