
Winter Fire Danger for Animals

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From Central Fire Department
    CFD has noticed an unfortunate trend this winter that has resulted in the death of numerous animals.  A fire reported at 2:42 a.m. Tuesday sent CFD to Plantation Way subdivision for a chicken coop fire.  On arrival, the home owner was observed extinguishing the fire, but not before three chickens were killed.  This is the second fire in February that has been attributed to home owners attempting to provide warmth to their animals with heat generated from light bulbs. In each case, firefighters believe heat from the bulb ignited material in the structures with the resulting fire destroying the structures and animals.
     Captain Derek Glover stated while it is important to provide warmth for animals during cold weather, caution must be observed when placing heating sources too close to the structure itself or material inside the structure.  "We warn residents constantly about placing heaters too close to combustibles in the home through out the winter, and the same warning applies to heat sources for animals" Glover said. 
    Visit this website for more information about heater safety: http://www.nfpa.org/~/media/Files/Research/NFPA%20reports/Major%20Causes/osheating.pdf