
Third Time’s a Charm!

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HairDonationB    At only eleven years old, CIS fifth grader Lailyn Kleinpeter is determined to always help others. People always tell her she has an old soul with an extreme amount of compassion.  Whether it’s helping other students with school work, caring for her great grandmother, or reading books with her little brother, her patience shines through in her beautiful smile and blue eyes. In 2011, after hearing about a program that makes wigs for people with unfortunate medical conditions, Lailyn decided she wanted help. At seven years old Lailyn donated 12 inches of her thick brown hair. Only sixteen months later, Lailyn donated another 12 inches and encouraged her classmates and community to do the same. In 2012, Lailyn said, “As long as God blesses me with thick, long hair, I will continue to donate it.”
    After getting the measuring tape out last weekend, Lailyn scheduled a hair appointment with her cousin, Joy Cottano at Beauty Addiction on Highway 16 in Denham Springs. This marked Lailyn’s third donation of over 12 inches of hair, and her family is so proud of her. She plans to continue donating hair, and as she’s getting older she is looking into ways to volunteer with animals or children. “I couldn’t have asked for a better daughter. She’s loving, compassionate, smart, and I hope she continues to want to make a difference in this world,” her mother, Rebecca, said. “I love the fact that she wants to donate her hair and I absolutely adore her and fully support her.”
    Anyone interested in donating their hair can contact Joy Cottano, stylist at Beauty Addiction at 664-4093.