I have tried to explain Central to friends and family around the country who have never visited here. Words never do it justice. Central is something you have to experience. If I could invite those friends to Central for just nine days, to experience a slice of Central, those nine days would likely be last Thursday through this coming Saturday.
Their visit would have started Thursday with their first Central family Thanksgiving dinner, a day spent visiting and relaxing with close friends and generations of family. Friday would have been a busy day, either tailgating at LSU before going to the game or enjoying gumbo and watching LSU in the rec room.
Friday night would have been spent at Wildcat Stadium watching our young men in the quarterfinals of the High School football state playoffs. Win or lose, to get to that game was a great accomplishment, and to experience Central football with thousands of our neighbors is a taste of small-town America.
Fast forward to day eight and come out to the corner of Hooper and Sullivan this Thursday night for the lighting of the community Christmas tree, singing, and fellowship. Then, Saturday, the Christmas Parade! Upwards of 100 floats, performing groups, unique cars, and Santa on his sleigh. A mile of Joor Road lined with thousands, including parents, grandparents, and children scrambling for beads and candy thrown from the parade.
Then Saturday night, take a ride around Central to see the many Christmas lights. Drop by and see the amazing annual display and open house at the Leaders’ and the “light show” complete with music on Sullivan Road.
So in nine days our visitors to Central would have experienced a family Thanksgiving, LSU football, Friday night lights in Wildcat Stadium, a community Christmas tree lighting, a Christmas parade and the festive lights of the season. Now, I will be able to explain to them what Central is.
Central is Family, Friends, Faith, Fellowship and Fun…just words, until you have experienced them with our friends, neighbors and family in Central, the greatest place on earth to live and raise a family… and Celebrate the Christmas season.