
CSA Program Comes to Central

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    Tired of having to buy pink, gas ripened tomatoes and other vegetables that are picked underripe so that they can be shipped across country (or even into the country!)?  Derek and Kacie Luckett of Luckett Farms  have the answer.  They grow a multiple of vegetable varieties on their 2 local farms and pick them at the peak of ripeness for their customers.  They then deliver these beautiful veggies every week to the pick up point their customer selects.   Their customer gets the benefit of delicious, healthful vegetables without the hassle of keeping a home garden, and at a much cheaper price than upscale markets like Whole Foods.  Vegetables begin to lose their nutritional value the moment they are picked, so the quicker they get to your table, the better off your family is. With the Center for Disease Control urging us to eat up to 10 servings of vegetables a day for optimal health, a ready supply of locally grown produce can have a huge impact on your family's well-being.
    Luckett Farms has been in the commercial vegetable raising business for 4 years, but Derek has been a farmer for all of his life and studied Horticulture at LSU.  He and Kacie have a passion for raising vegetables in the healthiest, most sustainable ways possible.  In addition to using tried and true cultivation methods, they are committed to using integrated pest management, known as IPM.  IPM involves using natural methods for long term insect pest prevention and suppression.  For those concerned with massive amounts of chemicals and fertilizers sprayed on the food they will consume, this is very good news indeed.  "We want to educate people about the benefits locally raised produce can bring," Derek shares, "Once they've tried us, they'll want more!"
    Luckett Farms is a Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) venture.  CSAs came to this country in the 1980's from Europe.  CSAs involve the community and the farmer working in partnership.  The community supports the farmer with their money, the farmer invests his time, knowledge, and effort in growing produce for the community.  This develops a relationship that benefits everyone.  Customers pay for a 20 week season, with produce being delivered weekly.  Luckett Farms offers their customers several options to obtain fresh produce.  The Senior Share box is the least expensive and geared towards those on a fixed income with smaller appetites.  The Average Share is for a family of 3-4.  The Abundant Share feeds families of 4 or more.  You can sign up for the option of your choice on their website – – or by emailing Kacie at [email protected].  The website allows you to pay online, or you can mail in a check. 
    A typical growing season for  Luckett Farms includes carrots, beets, radishes, turnips, tomatoes, squash (several varieties), broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage,greens, lettuce, kale, sweet corn, sweet potatoes, strawberries, and cantaloupes.  In addition, Luckett Farms offers home stone-ground cornmeal and grits, and locally produced honey.  The Lucketts supply recipes, storage tips, and other helpful information about the vegetables.  With 15 pick up points all around the parish, Luckett Farms makes it easy to obtain the produce.  You can even come by their farm on Denham Road on any day of the week if you call and prearrange a time.  The Lucketts will also accommodate orders of additional veggies, in case you're planning a family reunion.  They make sure their customers get only the ripest, cream of the crop picks. Look them up on their website, Facebook, twitter, or instagram, or email Kacie for more information.  "Our motto is 'Growing Healthy Food for Our Family and Yours,''' says Kacie, "We wouldn't sell anything to our customers that we wouldn't serve to our family."