I remember in my summer jobs with a contractor at Exxon we would plan our lunch breaks so that we were sitting in the air conditioned portable storage building in time to hear “Paul Harvey News and Comment”. The highlight of the broadcast for me was always when he would tell us “The Rrrrest…….of the Story”. (For anyone too young to have enjoyed those daily broadcasts, that is not a typo, that is how he dramatically concluded his stories.)
Paul Harvey’s “Rest of the Story” would often tell us a story we thought we knew, but then surprise us by telling us more that we were unaware of in “The Rest of the Story”. So, with apologies to the great Paul Harvey, I’d like to tell you “The Rest of the Story” about this newspaper, Central Speaks.
Five years ago I created CentralSpeaks.com, a free internet news blog intended to be a place that the people of Central could share their stories, events, celebrations and news…free. Fast forward five years and Central Speaks has become Central’s weekly community newspaper, filled with great stories, news and celebrations, delivered to the mailboxes of over 8,000 homes and available to pick up in 100 retail locations in Central….free. But now, giving credit where credit is due, here is “The Rest of the Story.”
Yes, I, founded the paper, but one of my closest friends is actually the one who now captains the ship at Central Speaks. She is the Editor, the sole owner, the one who gradually edged me out of the layout and production of the paper three years ago and took over my job as Editor last year. She is also my oldest daughter, Beth Fussell. I am privileged to work with Beth and I am proud of the quality community newspaper she publishes.
I enjoy covering a few Central events each week and contributing an article. I also very much enjoy writing my column each week talking about things that affect our Central community. However, I’m no longer the one who does the lion’s share of the work at Central Speaks. Lifetime Central residents and CHS graduates, Editor Beth Fussell, Lindsey Pyburn in layout and Angie Rabalais in sales, create from scratch, every week, a brand new and unique edition of Central Speaks. And that….is the Rrrrest….of the Story.