
Agendas for Thursday’s Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting

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Thursday, June 27, 2013, 6:00 P.M.

Kristenwood Meeting Facility

14025 Greenwell Springs Road

Central, Louisiana  70739


In accordance with rules of procedure, all items on these agendas are open for public comment. Those members of the public desiring to speak on a particular item should approach the podium and request to speak after the item is announced by the Chairman.

1.   A statement setting forth the applicant’s proposal, together with the Planning Commission Staff recommendation, will be made by the Planning Director and Staff after which the applicant and the public will be heard. Before speaking on the proposal, each speaker shall give his or her name and address and state whom he/she is representing. Anyone speaking as a civic association representative shall document that their presented views are those of the organization. 

2.   Applicant or applicant’s representatives for the proposal will speak first for a period not to exceed fifteen (15) minutes. Proponents for the proposal will speak second and a period of three (3) minutes will be allowed for each proponent.  Opponents or other interested parties will speak next and a period of three (3) minutes will be allowed for each opponent. There will be no limit to the number of persons who may speak, but speakers are encouraged to avoid duplication in their presentations.

3.   Applicant will be allowed a total period of five (5) minutes to offer rebuttal.  Opponents will not be allowed to rebut.

4.   The Commission Members may ask any questions and make comments, but are urged to cooperate in an effort to spend no more than fifteen (15) minutes in discussion of a case after all speakers have been heard.

5.   Items placed on the Consent Agenda by the Planning Commission Staff will not have time allocated for speaking, unless there is a member of the public present at the meeting who wishes to speak on the item. In such cases, the proposal will follow the standard.

6.   Unless noted otherwise, Planning Commission items are finally resolved by the Planning Commission without further presentation or action by the City Council.  Zoning Commission matters heard tonight by the Zoning Commission, unless specifically stated otherwise, will be heard by the Central City Council on Tuesday, July 23, 2013, unless the case is deferred by the Commission.  Denial of a zoning item by the Zoning Commission is final unless the item is requested by Council to be heard within sixty (60) days of the Zoning Commission decision.



Thursday, June 27, 2013 6:00pm

Kristenwood Meeting Facility

14025 Greenwell Springs Road

Central, LA 70739

1.    Call to Order

2.    Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance

3.    Roll Call

4.    Recitation of Rules

5.    Approval of Minutes (May 23, 2013 Planning Commission Meeting)

6.    Amendments and Consent Agenda

a.    EOP-5-13 Exchange of Property between Tracts B-2-A-A and B-2-A-B of the David L. Johnson Property This property is located on the west side of Blackwater Road, south of the Arleen Avenue intersection in Section 11 and 12, T5S, R1E, GLD, EBR, LA.  The applicant is requesting an exchange of property between two (2) adjoining property owners. (Applicant:  Laci Johnson)

b.    EOP-6-13 Exchange of Property between Tract 3-A-1-A-1-B & 3-A-1-B-2-A of the Mary Jane Chaney Swearingen Property This property is located on the west side of Hubbs Road, north of the Denham Road intersection in Section 47, T5S, R2E, GLD, EBR, LA.  The applicant is requesting an exchange of property between two (2) adjoining property owners. (Applicant: Curtis Chaney)


7.    EOP-7-13 Exchange of Property between Tract 6-A-1-A-1 and Tract 6-A-1-A-2 of the Original Hilda Lee and Barbara Lee Kirby Property This property is located on the east side of Blackwater Road south of the Arleen Avenue intersection in Section 12, T5S, R1E, GLD, EBR, LA. The applicant is requesting an exchange of property between two (2) adjoining property owners and dedicate a private servitude of access. (Applicant: Mickey L. Robertson)

8.    SS-11-13 Subdivision of Tract A-1-E-2-A of the Westbrook Home Place This property is located on the north side of Greenwell Springs- Port Hudson Road west of the Blaspique Drive in Section 40, T5S, R2E, GLD, EBR, LA. The applicant is requesting to subdivide one (1) tract into four (4) tracts for single family residential land use and dedicate a private servitude of access. (Applicant: Mickey L. Robertson)

9.    CUP-3-13 Conditional Use Permit This property is located at 14754 Frenchtown Road, on the south side between the Central Thruway and Richardson Drive intersections on Tract B of the Alton R. Ashford Property in Sections 43 and 51, T6S, R2E, GLD, EBR, LA.  The applicant is requesting a conditional use permit for a church. (Applicant:  Joshua L. Hoffpauir)


10.    None

11.    Adjourn