
Agenda for Thursday’s Board of Adjustments Meeting

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Thursday, June 27, 2013 5:00 PM

Kristenwood Building

14025 Greenwell Springs Rd.

Central, LA  70739


1.    Call to Order

2.    Roll Call       

3.    Recitation of Rules

4.    Approval of Minutes (May 23, 2013)

5.    Consent Agenda         



              6.  BOA-4-12 Ext. 14822 Woodrow Kerr Lane Tract B-1 Woodrow Kerr Property Applicant:      

                Jimmy & Brenda Hawkins      Rural

            This property is located at 14822 Woodrow Kerr Lane on Tract B-1 of Woodrow Kerr Property. The applicant requests the Board of Adjustment to grant a waiver of Section 8.213 (C)(5)(c) of the Unified Development Code in accordance with Section 3.2(B)(5)(b)(1) to allow a hardship in conjunction with the housing of aged, ill or otherwise incapacitated, or handicapped family members, or wards for which the existing residents are or may become responsible.               

7.  BOA-11-12 Ext.  16762  Hubbs Road Tract D-1-E-1 Johnie W. Hubbs Property Applicant: Elsie Rome                                Rural

            This property is located at 16762 Hubbs Road on Tract D-1-E-1 of the Johnie W. Hubbs Property. The applicant request the Board of Adjustments to grant a waiver of Section 8.213 (C)(5)(c) of the Unified Development Code, in accordance with Section 3.2(B)(5)(b)(1), to allow a hardship in conjunction with the housing of aged, ill or otherwise incapacitated, or handicapped family members, or wards for which the existing residents are or may become responsible.   


    8.  BOA-5-13 (Deferred from May 23, 2013 Meeting) 11737 Blackwater Road Tract D-3-B-1 Applicant: Pat Milton                                  Rural

            This property is located at 11737 Blackwater Rd on Tract D-3-B-1.  The applicant request the Board of Adjustments to grant a waiver of Section 9.201 A (2) of the Unified Development Code to allow an accessory building that exceeds 1,600 square feet in the Rural Zoning District.  The applicant proposes to construct a 2,000 square foot structure.

9.  BOA-6-13 16379 Blackwater Road Tract B-1-C-1 Applicant: Sun L. Bass                                Rural

This property is located at 16379 Blackwater Road on Tract B-1-C-1.  The applicant request the Board of Adjustment to grant a waiver of Section 9.201 A (2) of the Unified Development Code to allow an accessory building that exceeds 1,600 square feet in the Rural Zoning District.  The applicant proposes to construct a 5,940 square foot structure.

10. Adjourn