Last week in this column I asked for Council Members Messina, Washington, or LoBue if they would please clear up their confusing and seemingly inconsistent votes to rezone one property and to deny an identical request just a block away. I even have reserved space today for their responses. Here is the space…
… as you can see, I got no responses. I wish that surprised me. I think we should all be less confused now, but more concerned…
Which brings me to Term Limits
Next week’s vote by the City Council on Term Limits is likely a slam dunk in favor. I am in favor of term limits where there is a risk of politicians making a career of it or standing to reap life-long benefits for what should be public service. For Central, I have no problem with term limits, but I don’t think they should be necessary, and here is why:
I am hopeful that EVERY four years at election time the voters of Central limit the terms of ANY elected official that is NOT doing the job we elected them to do. If you feel your elected officials are not promoting legislation that will preserve the lifestyle this community holds dear…give them Term Limits by not re-electing them. If they don’t do their work and understand the issues brought to them for a vote…limit their terms on election day. If you believe that any agenda other than serving the greater good of the City of Central drives their decisions…elect someone else in 2014. Now THOSE…are Term Limits.