
6 Year Old Football Players Needed

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Submitted by Eric Lewis

We are still in need of at least 5 six year old players, to form a D Team.  If you know anyone interested in playing that is six years old have them call me.  We are also in need of coaches for the D Team.  I cannot express enough  the benefits in having a 6 year old team.  Your child would play almost the entire game.  The C team coaches will help you in every aspect of your practice and games. So do not feel that you would be thrown to the wolves with no guidance, if you decided to coach.  If we cannot sign 5 more players or find coaches the six year olds will stay with the C Team.  Six year old playing time on the C Team will be very, very limited since we currently have 47, 7 and 8 year olds, on a  40 player roster.
Please give me a call if you need more info, or if you want to volunteer!
Jimbo Tate