
Covenant Community Church Women’s Rally

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Women’s Rally with Missionary Theresa Greenhough May 20th, 7:00 PM at Covenant Community Church. Raised in a charismatic Roman Catholic family in Mumbai, India, Theresa joined the Loreto Convent in India at age 19.  After 15 years of service, in 1991, she received a vision from the Lord directing her that it was time to leave the convent. She received Mother Teresa’s permission to leave in 1992 and embarked on a new work for God. Theresa traveled to Canada to further her education. Upon graduation she joined the staff of Fountain of Life Center, New Jersey, and is ordained with the Assemblies of God.    Theresa returned to India in 1998, where she and her husband David oversee the operation of Gateway International in Bangalore – Gateway Free School, Gateway Children's Home, and Gateway Church. You are invited to this special service for the women of the Central area. To learn more about Theresa Greenbough and her ministry, please visit: