
April 27th City Council Agenda

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The following is the agenda for the Tuesday, April 27th City Council meeting. The meeting will begin at 6 PM at Kristenwood on Greenwell Springs Road. The public is welcome to attend.

I. Preliminary Business

(1) Call to Order

(2) Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance

(3) Roll Call

(4) Approval of minutes from the April 13, 2010 council meeting.

II. Unfinished Business


III. New Business

1) Mayor’s report and presentations.

2) Report from CH2MHilll concerning: (by Council Member Washington)

1. DPW 1st quarter of 2010 report;

2. Annual report for DPW, please include the following:

a. Total work orders for 2009;

b. Total amount of completed work orders;

c. Total work orders in house;

d. Total work orders called in; and

e. Total amount of pending work orders.

3) Discussion regarding CH2MHill advertisements which include information regarding the

City of Central. (By Council Member Washington)

Central City Council Agenda Tuesday, April 27, 2010

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4) Introduction of the following item(s) (with public hearing to be held at the May 11, 2010

council meeting)


5) Discussion and action regarding the following instrument(s):

(a) An ordinance to amend the 2009-2010 Fiscal Year Budget to appropriate

$115,289 for drainage improvements within the City of Central according

to Act 22 of the 2009 regular session of the Louisiana Legislature. (By

Council Member Ross)

(b) A resolution to approve the Second Amendment to Agreement for

Provision of City Services By and Between the City of Central, Louisiana

and CH2M Hill, Inc. (By Council Member DeJohn)

IV. Zoning Cases

(1) Introduction of the following item(s) (with Public Hearing to be held at the May 11, 2010

council meeting):

(a) RZ-01-10 Rezoning This property is located on the southeast corner of

Wax Road and Quarter Drive (private access servitude). The applicant is

proposing to rezone from SPUD to C-AB-2 (Commercial Alcoholic Beverage

Two District) for a sports bar/lounge (Applicant: Carolyn Jones).

(2) Discussion and Action regarding the following case(s):

(a) SPUD-01-10 Small Planned Unit Development This property is located at

Triple B Road west of the Kohler Lane intersection on Lots 4 through 8. The

applicant is proposing to rezone from Rural to SPUD (Small Planned Unit

Development) for a 38 lot townhouse development.

(b) SS-02-10 Minor Subdivision of Lot A-1 of the L.M. Shaffett Tract.

This property is located on Sullivan Road east of the Joor Road intersection. The

applicant is proposing to subdivide one tract of land into two lots. The applicant

is requesting a waiver from Section 14.3.B.1 of the Unified Development Code

which requires a minimum area of 22,500 square feet when no public sanitary

sewer is available.

V. Other Business

(1) Announcements

(3) Adjournment

NOTE: Pursuant to the requirements of La. R.S. 42:7, no matter may be discussed by the Central City Council

unless it appears on the agenda published at least twenty-four hours prior to the meeting unless the members of

the council vote unanimously to take up the matter.