
Sen. David Vitter on Health Care

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The following email is an update from Senator David Vitter, who sends updates to many of his constituents (Central residents are included in this group). This article is posted verbatim from this email and does not necessarily represent the views of

Last week when Congress rammed Obamacare through to passage and the president signed the legislation into law, liberals boldly proved that they haven't been listening to the American people.   In the face of tremendous public outrage and bipartisan opposition, the president and liberal politicians in Congress violated the Constitution and ignored the will of American people.  This government takeover of health care must be repealed, and at the first chance I had, I filed a bill in the U.S. Senate to do just that.

This newly-signed law is packed full of policies the American people overwhelmingly and loudly rejected.  We know it will add to our already enormous national deficit, increase the burden on American families by enacting job-killing taxes and put the government between patients and their doctors.  This bill's mandates are unconstitutional, and the process by which it was passed disrespects not only the will of the public, but also our legislative process.  Worst of all, this bill insults and disregards the traditions that have made our country great – limited government, personal responsibility and individual freedom. 
We must reform health care in a way that honors those values.  Obamacare clearly does not do that, and that's why I called for a repeal of this legislation at the first chance I had.  We must listen to the American people and start over with smaller, targeted bills that offer real solutions and reduce costs, like allowing individuals to buy insurance across state lines at the most competitive price, providing coverage regardless of pre-existing conditions, and putting the patient in charge of their own health care.  And we should do it without raising taxes or placing penalties on individuals or small businesses.
To that end, last week I introduced two common-sense solutions that would reform health care without compromising Americans' freedom to make their own health care choices.   I offered an amendment that would put affordable drugs within the reach of ordinary Americans by allowing the reimportation of cheaper prescription medicines.  And I also offered legislation that would expand access to mobile mammography services, giving thousands more women a fighting chance to combat breast cancer through early detection.  This is a reform that actually brings health care to folks without a sweeping government takeover. 
I remain committed to reforming health care with measures like these that truly fix the system through clear and concise solutions without threatening our nation's prosperity and freedom.  The American people won't stand for this government takeover of health care, and I will do everything in my power to repeal it and reverse the damage.
David Vitter
U.S. Senator