Central Community Schools In The Black
The Central Community School Board met tonight at 6:00PM at Kristenwood. The board received the Finance Committee report which indicates that the System will be posting a $741,000 surplus instead of the anticipated $166,000. This surplus becomes part of the fund balance that school system needs to maintain in order to survive financially in emergencies such as hurricanes.
In addition to this good news, the school board had the privelege of recognizing many outstanding students and student athletes. The students receiving academic letter jackets were honored for their achievement. The swim, volleyball, cross-country and football teams were commended by the board for their accomplishments.
The board also awarded Russell Starns for his leadership as president of the school board for its first two years. Mr. Falk and Sharon Browning, the new board president, presented Mr. Starns with a plaque thanking him for his dedication.
First Student, the company operating the busses for the school system, reported on the improvements made in response to the complaints they received during the fall semester. Radios have been installed in all busses, an employee involvement committee has been formed, bus routes have been changed to improve student safety, and a new manager has been put in charge of the operation. The board and the fairly large contingent of the community in attendance seemed satisfied with the improvements. Additionally, digital video cameras will be installed in all busses over the next year to improve safety.
Mr Faulk also asked that teachers and who receive stipends as coaches and sponsors receive additional compensation when athletic seasons are extended due to the success of the teams leading to playoff appearances. This change will apply to the entire 2008-2009 school year.
The school board attorney reported that several suits had been decided in the supreme court. One suit will force EBR Parish to remit $1.7 million in disputed ad-valorem taxes to the Central School System. Once these fundes are recsived, they will become a part of the reserves of the school system. Additionally, another court decision forces the EBP System to turn over to Central 31 busses that were in use servicing Central students prior to Central withdrawing from the EBR Parish school system.
The board then excused the public and went into executive session to discuss an alleged personl injury claim of Carlos Williams.