
2008 Tax Election Information-A commitment to the students of today and preparation for the students of the future.

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The taxpayers of Central will go to the polls on July 19 to vote on a tax for schools. Voters who want to vote early for any election may do so in person at local Registrar of Voters offices from 14 days to seven days prior to any scheduled election from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

What is the plan?

Build a central educational complex to house Pre-k through 12th grade students.

Why do we need to build now?

•Three of our schools are over 40 years old and the fourth one is over 35 years old.

•All of our school buildings have been neglected and need major work.

•Need to address inadequate space for students and instructional programs.

•Need to eliminate temporary classrooms. (We will have a total of 44 temporary classrooms in use for the 2008 –2009 school year.)

•Need to address student safety issues.

•Need to address increasing enrollment
*Enrollment May 2008 — 3,116
*Enrollment Sept. 2008 —3,528
*Projected Enrollment Sept. 2011 — 5,308

How will the plan be accomplished?

The plan will be addressed in phases:

*1st Phase—Preliminary planning, site selection, land acquisition. (Projected Completion—June 2009)

*2nd Phase—Bidding and construction of a new Middle School and the necessary infrastructure. (Projected Completion—Spring 2011)

*3rd Phase—Bidding and construction of an Early Learning Center for Pre-K through First Grade and the necessary infrastructure. (Projected Completion— Spring 2012)

*4th Phase—Bidding and construction of an Elementary School for grades two through five and a High School for grades nine through twelve and the necessary infrastructure. (Projected Completion—Summer 2013)

*5th Phase—Completion of infrastructure work and other items listed in the Master Plan. (Practice Fields and Field House Projected Completion—Fall 2013)

How will we pay for it?

The school system has called for an election on July 19th for voters to consider two proposals

*A ¾ cent sales tax for a 25 year period which will help raise about $50 million.

*A 20 year property tax which will raise approximately $49 million.

The payment for the first year assessment will not be due until December 2010.

The millage will be approximately 29 mills and will be reduced each year after that first year of levying the tax. Your taxes would go down each year as the debt is paid off.

What will it cost me?

For every $100.00 spent at a business, store, etc., in the Central area, the new sales tax will cost an additional 75 cents. (Everyone pays these taxes.)

The property owner will be affected as follows:

Fair Market Value of Home Cost per week

Taxpayers who are 65 years of age and older and have an adjusted gross income of $62,180
or less, persons who are 100% disabled, some widows who are 55 and have minor children can have their assessed value frozen if they apply to do so. This keeps their assessed value from going up in a reassessment year as long as they live there and keeps their taxes from increasing. They would pay taxes on any new millage, but only on the current assessed value.

What happens if we receive any money for the Middle School in our suit against EBR?

•Any money received for the Middle School in our suit will be used to pay some of the costs for the Middle School.
•This will allow us to not have to issue as many bonds and would reduce the obligations required of taxpayers thereby reducing your taxes for this proposal.

How did we get here?

A committee of 29 people made up of persons appointed by the board, parents, staff members, and the original Maintenance Committee began meeting in November of 2007.

They reviewed a wealth of information and several options to address the school system’s needs to address enrollment and facility needs

In April, they made a unanimous recommendation to the school board for a Central Educational Complex.