
Planning & Zoning Public Hearing

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blueprints1The City of Central Planning & Zoning Commission will hold a public hearing on Thursday, November 19 at 6pm at Kristenwood Meeting Facility, 14025 Greenwell Springs Rd, Central, LA to discuss the following cases. The public is invited to attend.


1)  SS-14-09          Minor Subdivision of Tract A-1, B, and C of the Ray C Pearce Property. This property is located on Joor Road west of the Sullivan Road intersection. Applicant is requesting to extend an existing private street and create one additional tract.  (Deferred From October 22, 2009)  

2)  Minor Subdivision of Tracts A-2-B-1-A and A-2-B-1-B of the Emma Lee Sullivan Rome property. This property is located on the west side of Sullivan Road north of the Sparkle Drive intersection. Applicant is requesting to create one additional lot on a private servitude of access.(Applicant: Jonathan Starns)

3)  Extension of Preliminary Plat of Minor Subdivision.  This property is located to the west of Greenwell Springs Road and south of Liberty Road.  The applicant is requesting extension of preliminary plat approval. (Applicant:  Ruth E. Parsons)

4)  Extension of Final Development Plan Approval PUD Burlington Lakes.  This property is located to the south of Lynnwood Avenue and the Amber Lakes subdivision. The applicant is requesting extension of preliminary plat approval. (Applicant:  Jeff Couvillion)


5)  RZ-06-09               Rezoning  This property is located at 11415 Blackwater Road on the north side of Blackwater Road just east of the intersection of Talmadge Crumholt Road, on Lots A-2-B, to rezone from Rural to M-1 (Light Industrial).  This is for the expansion of a vacant metal fabrication shop. (Applicant: Clifford George) (Deferred From October 22, 2009) The applicant is requesting a waiver of Section 8.211 of the UDC that requires all operations to be enclosed by a solid fence or wall not less than six feet in height, where adjacent to or across the street from a residential zoning district.

6)  RZ-07-09               Rezoning  This property is located at 9718 Sullivan Road on the east side of Sullivan Road south of the Brent Avenue intersection on Lot R-2 of Old McDonald Farm Subdivision. Applicant is requesting to rezone from Rural to LC-1 (Light Commercial One) for an existing child care center.  (Applicant:  William Chenevert)

7). RZ-08-09               Rezoning  This property is located at 14455 Wax Road, Suite U of Central Plaza Retail Center in the northwest corner of  Wax Road and Willowbrook Drive on Lot B-2-B-1-A of Central Woods Subdivision The applicant is requesting to rezone Suite U of subject property from C-2 (Heavy Commercial) to C-AB-2 (Commercial-Alcoholic Beverages Two) for a daiquiri shop. (Applicant: Jonathan Starns)

8)   RZ-09-09              Rezoning  This property is located on the southern portion of Lot 4A-1-A, as advertised, being on the north side of Wax Road east of the Willow Brook Drive intersection, containing .73 acres.  Applicant is proposing to rezone from Rural to HC-1 (Heavy Commercial One) for a proposed pre-owned car dealership. (Applicant: Michael Word)

9)  SPUD-1-09             Small Planned Unit Development. The Gates at Burlington.  This property is located on Lot A2 on the north side Wax Road east of the Durmast Drive intersection.  Applicant is proposing a 53-lot private gated retirement community and is requesting a waiver from Ordinance 2009-08 requiring all major residential subdivisions to connect to public sanitary sewer.  (Applicant:  Jeff Couvillion)

For information on any of these cases, please call the City of Central at 262-5000.