CS | November 24, 2015
CAPA Corner: The Power of Praise
In 2 Chronicles chapter 20 king Jehoshaphat is faced with eminent doom. Three enemy armies are coming...
CS | November 23, 2015
Magnolia UMC Thrift Shop Grand Opening December 11
Magnolia United Methodist Church, 16024 Greenwell Springs Rd., is proud to announce the Grand Opening of the...
CS | November 16, 2015
CAPA Corner
American humorist Mark Twain said, “I can live for two months on a good compliment.” The Bible...
CS | November 13, 2015
Community Thanksgiving Service Next Thursday
8th Annual Central Community Thanksgiving Worship Service Thursday, November 19th, 7:00pm Greenwell Springs Baptist Church All Central...
CS | November 10, 2015
Magnolia Methodist Presents Pet Rescue Masks to Central Fire Department
From Magnolia Methodist Central's firefighters will soon have a new life-saving tool in their fire trucks: oxygen...
CS | November 10, 2015
Operation Christmas Child Packing Party Saturday
Greenwell Springs Baptist Church is hosting a community wide Operation Christmas Child Packing Party on Saturday, November...
CS | November 2, 2015
CAPA Corner: Who Are Your Friends?
1 Corinthians 15:33, "Do not be misled: Bad company corrupts good character." The...
CS | October 27, 2015
Costume Contest at Family Fall Fest
There will be Halloween costume contests for Family Fall Fest on the 31st at Blackwater United Methodist Church....
CS | October 26, 2015
CAPA Corner: How About Some Good News?!
Has the news around you gotten you down, lately? Are you tired of all of the political...
CS | October 20, 2015
Rocktoberfest at The Rock Church October 31
You're invited to Rocktoberfest at The Rock Church, 20810 Plank Rd in Zachary: Saturday, October 31, 4-6 PM There...