CS | September 22, 2014
Register Now for “Women Making an Impact for Christ”
The women of Grace Presbyterian Church (9526 Joor Road) are pleased to welcome Representative Valarie Hodges as their...
CS | September 19, 2014
Knights of Columbus Hold Quarterly Blood Drive
Submitted by KOC The Knights of Columbus Council 2807 at St Alphonsus Catholic Church held its Quartely Blood...
CS | September 10, 2014
CAPA Corner
Creating an atmosphere of love is vital if we as Christians are to become the impacting influence...
CS | September 5, 2014
CAPA Corner: The Golden or Platinum Rule?
Growing up I often heard the statement, “Do unto others as you would have them do unto...
CS | August 26, 2014
St. Alphonsus PrimeTimers Host Comedian John Morgan
The PrimeTimers of St. Alphonsus Catholic Church. recently enjoyed an evening with Cajun Comedian John Morgan. The show...
CS | August 26, 2014
Rocky and Donna McCartney Beginning 23 Month Mission
Rocky and Donna McCartney of Central have been called as Church Educational System (CES) Missionaries for the...
CS | August 25, 2014
CAPA Corner
Often in the gospels we read that Jesus “had compassion” for people or that he was “moved to...
CS | August 20, 2014
CAPA Corner: Promising
Our future is promising! When you listen to all that is going on in our world today,...
CS | August 12, 2014
Craig James to Speak at GSBC Men’s Meeting
The August Men’s Meeting at Greenwell Springs Baptist Church will be held Tuesday, August 19th. Dinner will be...
CS | August 12, 2014
CAPA Corner
My 92-year-old mother has decided it is time to move into a retirement center. She has lived...