All posts by CS
CS | July 5, 2010
Special School Board Meeting Tuesday
Submitted by Tracy Barnes AGENDA SPECIAL SCHOOL BOARD MEETING July 6, 2010 12:00 PM City Hall Conference Room...
CS | July 5, 2010
Summer Neighborhood Connections
Submitted by Jeanie Barnett Crystal Place Connections is now Neighborhood Connections, as the newsletter currently circulates in multiple subdivisions...
CS | July 5, 2010
Pancake Breakfast Honors Veterans
Submitted by Billie Picard Saturday morning July 3, 2010 the Pride Ward Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day...
CS | July 5, 2010
Business Spotlight: Paula White, Notary
Submitted by Paula White Paula White is located at 11191 Blackwater Road here in Central. She runs her...
CS | July 5, 2010
7/22 Planning & Zoning Cases
Submitted by David Barrow The City of Central Planning & Zoning Commission will hold a public hearing on...
CS | July 3, 2010
Governor Jindal Vetoes Loop Funding
By Beth Fussell As a part of House Bill 2, the Louisiana House of Representatives voted to include...
CS | July 2, 2010
Proposed Building Permit Fees Ordinance to Be Discussed at Council
The proposed ordinance can be found by clicking thee link below or by visiting the City of Central...
CS | July 2, 2010
Safety Reminder from the Central Fire Department
From the Central Fire Department website City of Central just a reminder the use of fireworks is...
CS | July 2, 2010
Chamber of Commerce Update
From the Chamber of Commerce weekly newsletter Many of our members are headed into a four day weekend! ...
CS | July 1, 2010
Central Teen Promoting Safe Driving
By Beth Fussell In light of all of the recent accidents here in Central, one area teen is taking positive...