All posts by CS
CS | November 11, 2010
CCSS Students, Teachers, and Staff of the Month
Congratulations to the following students, teachers, and staff who were recognized at this month's CCSS School Board meeting:...
CS | November 11, 2010
Today’s Newspaper PDF Online
As a service to our readers and our advertisers, the newspaper in its entirety, formatted exactly as...
CS | November 11, 2010
God’s Call from the Pacific: A Tribute to One of the “Greatest Generation”
Submitted by Elva Joe Crawford Eighty five years ago, In December of 1925, Harold Gordon McNabb was born...
CS | November 11, 2010
From the Mayor’s Desk: Central Sports and the Holiday Season
CENTRAL PROUD!! CENTRAL STRONG!! CITY SERVICES “DREAM TEAM” COMMITTEE: Our City Service Committee has begun the task at...
CS | November 11, 2010
CHS 2011 Boys Basketball Schedule
From the Central High School website 11/23: GRADY HORNSBY CLASSIC @ DENHAM- TBA 11/30: @ GLEN OAKS 6,7PM 12/2:...
CS | November 11, 2010
Wildcat Backers $10,000 Raffle Winners
At last week’s football game against Live Oak, the Wildcat Backers had the drawing for their $10,000 raffle...
CS | November 11, 2010
Today Is Veteran’s Day! Thank the Soldiers in Your Life
Veteran’s Day is today. Take this opportunity to say thank you to those veterans who are still...
CS | November 11, 2010
Council Confirms Morris as Attorney, Deals with Bellingrath Street Problems
By Dave Freneaux Mayor Mac Watts has appointed Sheri Morris to continue as Central's City Attorney. On...
CS | November 11, 2010
School Board Retains Option to Receive Pay
By Dave Freneaux The Central Community School Board voted 5-2 against a resolution not to allow School...
CS | November 11, 2010
Wildcats Headed to Playoffs Friday
By Beth Fussell; Stats by Nathan Corley; Photos by Expressions Photography The CHS varsity football team has...