All posts by CS
CS | April 6, 2011
Xtreme All Stars Cheerleading Tryouts This Saturday
Submitted by Heather Boucher There will be tryouts held for Xtreme All Stars Cheerleading this Saturday, April 9,...
CS | April 6, 2011
At Least Eight Firms Vying for Central’s City Services Contract
By Dave Freneaux Last Friday, twelve companies sent representatives to the mandatory Pre-Bid Conference for Central's City Srevices...
CS | April 6, 2011
Central Lions Club Holds Free Community Glaucoma Screening
Submitted by Tim Falke Turn out was Great Sunday for the Central Lions' Club glaucoma screening. Approximately 30...
CS | April 5, 2011
Lindsay Bagley & Derek Womack to Marry June 24
Submitted by Lindsay Bagley Lindsay Bagley and Derek Womack of Central will marry on the evening of...
CS | April 5, 2011
CAPA Corner: Words of Encouragement from the Central Area Pastors Association
It Is Better To Give Than To Receive We were in a small village called Jamaraquá in the...
CS | April 5, 2011
Blood Drive This Weekend at Blackwater Methodist
There will be a blood drive for Our Lady of the Lake this Sunday, April 10th at Blackwater...
CS | April 5, 2011
Shape Up Central Moves to Immanuel Baptist Church
Shape Up Central has moved to Immanuel Baptist Church on Lovett Road, near the intersection of Lovett and...
CS | April 5, 2011
Central’s Got Talent May 14th: Audition Details Here
Central's Got Talent Main Event: May 14, 2011 Can you sing or dance? Or maybe you’re magical? If...
CS | April 5, 2011
Sec. of State Speaking at Republican Women of Central Luncheon April 20
Submitted by Betsy Otkin Barnes One of our state’s most seasoned and experienced elected officials, Secretary of State...
CS | April 4, 2011
City of Central Road Maintenance Bid
City of Central (“Central”) is accepting sealed bids for Road Maintenance for a period of five (5) years beginning...