All posts by CS
CS | June 16, 2011
Happy 95th Birthday to Mr. Gus Klebingot
Submitted by Jim McCurry Gus Klebingot celebrated his 95th birthday on June 5. His daughter Kathy McCurry...
CS | June 16, 2011
Lyndsey Browning to Marry Travis McGraw in Cabo, Mexico
Submitted by Sharon Browning Lyndsey Browning and Travis McGraw, both of Central, are to be married on...
CS | June 16, 2011
School Board to Interview Law Firms
On Monday, June 20th, at 6 PM in the Central Middle School Library the School Board will...
CS | June 16, 2011
Central’s Representatives at Work
Mayor Watts, Representative Clif Richardson and City Attorney Sheri Morris at a House committee hearing on House...
CS | June 16, 2011
Central Speaks with the Superintendent: An Interview with CCSS’s Mike Faulk
What do parents and students need to do to assist the School System for school to begin...
CS | June 16, 2011
A Spirit of Charity and Cooperation
An Editorial By Dave Freneaux After seven months of hard work Central has a new company, IBTS,...
CS | June 16, 2011
Hope for Central Retirees Victimized by Stanford Trust
The following press release from Senator Vitter details actions which may ultimately restore the retirements of many...
CS | June 16, 2011
Good News for a Great City: $1.16 Million Budget Surplus
By Dave Freneaux Due largely to Central's pioneering strategy of privatizing City Services, the City of Central...
CS | June 15, 2011
Jessica Marie Holaway to Marry Matthew Gregory Walker on August 13
Jessica Marie Holaway and Matthew Gregory Walker, both of Central, will marry at White Oak Plantation in Baton...
CS | June 15, 2011
School Board Meeting Highlights
By Dave Freneaux The Central Community School Board met on Monday and took the following actions: Approved a...