All posts by CS
CS | June 23, 2011
Councilman DeJohn Proposes Council Districts
By Dave Freneaux (For an Editorial on this subject, see "The Elephant in the Room" under Editorials.) ...
CS | June 23, 2011
City Council Districts- The Elephant in the Room
An Editorial by Dave Freneaux If any of Central’s five Council Members were asked, “Should a Council...
CS | June 23, 2011
Stories Needed about “That Old Gym”
Press Release, Central, LA June 16 A group of Central residents is applying to the Foundation for...
CS | June 23, 2011
How Central Compares: Just the Facts
By Dave Freneaux Increasing Central’s City Council from 5 to 7 seats would likely cost $130,000 every four...
CS | June 23, 2011
Today’s Newspaper PDF Online
As a service to our readers and our advertisers, the newspaper in its entirety, formatted exactly as...
CS | June 22, 2011
Monday’s School Board Agenda (Abbreviated)
The following items are on the CCSS School Board Meeting agenda for Monday, June 27th at Kristenwood beginning...
CS | June 22, 2011
Central Not Guaranteed Spot on BREC Board
By Dave Freneaux House Bill 322 sponsored by Central's own Representative Clif Richardson was deferred in a Senate...
CS | June 22, 2011
The Jambalaya Shoppe Opens Today in Central
By Mia Freneaux The Jambalaya Shoppe is opening its newest location today in Central! Chuck and Cynthia Lavigne have recently...
CS | June 22, 2011
Republican Women of Central Host Presentation on U.S. Constitution
Monday's meeting of the Rebublican Women of Central featured ULM Professor Dr. Kevin Unter who presented a detailed...
CS | June 21, 2011
St. Alphonsus Cheerleaders Win Awards at UCA Camp
Submitted by Ally Smith, Middle School Cheer Moderator The St. Alphonsus Middle School Cheerleaders attended UCA camp at...