All posts by CS
CS | May 15, 2014
Rebels Repeat as State Champs
Photo courtesy of CPS Baseball On Saturday, May 10, Central Private Rebels met Glenbrook Academy Apaches in Minden,...
CS | May 15, 2014
Central Property Owners Beware!
I fully support the Master Plan and always have, but I fear the next proposed steps to...
CS | May 15, 2014
Central Speaks Distribution: The Best of Both Worlds
Beginning with today’s expanded Special Graduation Edition, Central Speaks is going to both Retail and Direct Mail...
CS | May 15, 2014
Facilities/Equipment Committee Meeting Tonight
The Facilities/Equipment Committee will meet on Thursday, May 15, 2014 in the Meeting Room of the Administrative Office beginning at 6:00 P.M. 1. Call...
CS | May 14, 2014
Student Services Committee Meeting Tonight
The Student Services Committee will meet on Wednesday, May 14, 2014 in theMeeting Room of the Administrative Office beginning at 6:00 P.M. Meeting Agenda...
CS | May 14, 2014
Rep. Hodges Introduces Legislation to Raise Awareness of Human Trafficking
In light of recent events in Nigeria, State Representative Valarie Hodges, R-Denham Springs, introduced House Concurrent Resolution...
CS | May 14, 2014
CAPA Corner: Pause and Breathe
Pause and breathe. As graduates walk across the stage—be it preschool, kindergarten, high school, or college—loved ones...
CS | May 14, 2014
CCA Forum Tuesday
The next CCA Forum will be held Tuesday, May 20 at 7pm in the DEMCO meeting room....
CS | May 14, 2014
Sign Up Now for CMS Girl’s Fitness Camp
The 3rd Annual Central Middle School Sports Fitness Camp For Girls Only will be held June 10-13...
CS | May 14, 2014
Upcoming Football Practices for BR Homeschool Eagles
The Baton Rouge Homeschool Eagles will have their spring football practices the weeks of May 19th and...