All posts by CS
CS | July 16, 2015
Who Cares?!
High school football season will be here in a little over a month. Who Cares?! (And what...
CS | July 16, 2015
“Sports Central” Gears Up for Football
Tune in to 910 AM Thursday at 5PM for Sports Central hosted by Coaches Sid Edwards and...
CS | July 16, 2015
Today’s Newspaper PDF Online
As a service to our readers and our advertisers, the newspaper in its entirety, formatted exactly as...
CS | July 15, 2015
CAPA Corner: Graceful Words
I have to admit, the other day I was at an event, it was hot and I...
CS | July 15, 2015
In Memoriam: Morton Renfroe, Jr.
On the afternoon of July 10, 2015, Morton Cleveland Renfroe, Jr. passed away at the home that...
CS | July 15, 2015
Free Barre Class at Central Square
Join us for Barre in the Square, presented by Movement, Conditioning with a Cause, on Saturday, July 25, at 8:00 am....
CS | July 14, 2015
May 2015 Sales Tax Collections
From the City of Central Sales tax revenues within the city of Central were down slightly in...
CS | July 14, 2015
Grace Presbyterian VBS
Children ages 4 through 5th grade are invited to a One-Day Fun-Day VBS as we prepare to Shine...
CS | July 14, 2015
CCSS Finance Committee Meeting Wednesday
The Finance Committee will meet on Wednesday, July 15, 2015 in the Meeting Room of the Administrative Offices beginning at 6:00 P.M. The meeting is open...
CS | July 14, 2015
Caliente Tigers Win C.A.Y.L. Select B T-Ball Post Season Tournament
Submitted by Lori Guillory The Caliente Tigers (ages 4-6), sponsored by Caliente Mexican Craving Restaurant, went undefeated...