All posts by CS
CS | July 20, 2015
Free Movie in the Park Friday: “Despicable Me 2”
CS | July 20, 2015
In Memoriam: Morton Renfroe, Jr.
On the afternoon of July 10, 2015, Morton Cleveland Renfroe, Jr. passed away at the home that...
CS | July 20, 2015
Cooking in Central Planning Meeting July 29
There will be a meeting Wednesday, July 29 at noon at DeAngelo’s for anyone who wishes to help...
CS | July 20, 2015
The Central Chamber Report
One of the services provided by the Central Chamber of Commerce is to provide an opportunity for...
CS | July 20, 2015
Multiple Arrests at Central Wal Mart
CS | July 17, 2015
New Splash Pad at Jackson Park
Photo by Michael Spangler On Friday, a ribbon cutting was held at BREC Jackson Park for the new...
CS | July 17, 2015
Give the Gift of Life: Blood Drive for Briggs
A blood drive is being held for Briggs Elliser, the six month old son of Brittany and Bryan...
CS | July 17, 2015
Fugitive Arrested
EBR Sheriff's Deputies responded Saturday to a complaint of a person acting suspiciously at the Greenwell Springs...
CS | July 17, 2015
EBRSO Pack the Park Block Party Coming August 8
EBRSO is partnering with the Central Community Assistance Foundation (CCAF) to bring the Pack the Park Block...
CS | July 16, 2015
CHS Football Returns on FM 91.9
Photo by Michael Spangler Wildcat faithful can tune in on Friday nights again this season on...