All posts by CS
CS | August 10, 2015
Brant Guerin Wins Northwestern State University Essay Contest
Redemptorist 2015 Junior Brant Guerin, son of Stephen and Tavee Guerin, received first prize in the 7th...
CS | August 10, 2015
The Central Chamber Report: Here’s to Your/Our Health!
August 2015 has officially become the Chamber’s “To Your Health” month! Our August Investors’ Luncheon will feature...
CS | August 10, 2015
Central PT Screening Athletes to Help Detect Injury Risks
By Mia Freneaux Pictured: Erik with CPT & Coach Hudson Erik Strahan of Central Physical Therapy was...
CS | August 7, 2015
Cooking in Central Work Day Saturday
There will be another work day this Saturday, August 8 to prepare Amazing Place for this year’s Cooking...
CS | August 7, 2015
Why Central Speaks Is Highlighting the Shoe Creek TND Issue
Central Speaks is not anti-development, and we do feel that the Settlement on Shoe Creek has the...
CS | August 7, 2015
250 Apartments? Do the Right Thing!
Last week I promised to investigate how the 41 apartments in the new Shoe Creek development somehow...
CS | August 7, 2015
Blood Drive Sunday
There will be a blood drive this Sunday, August 9 from 9 a.m. until 1 p.m. at...
CS | August 7, 2015
Approval of TND with 250 Apartments Comes under Scrutiny
Last week’s approval of the Settlement on Shoe Creek was done despite strong public sentiment against the...
CS | August 7, 2015
Central CAO David Barrow Dismissed
Monday morning, Central’s long-time Chief Administrative Officer, David Barrow, was met at City Hall by Mayor Shelton,...
CS | August 7, 2015
Today’s Newspaper PDF Online
As a service to our readers and our advertisers, the newspaper in its entirety, formatted exactly as...