CS | January 1, 2010Council Candidate Bio: Mike Mannino
Fellow Citizens of Central, My name is Mike Mannino and I am running to represent you on the...
CS | January 1, 2010Council Candidate Bio: Wayne Messina
My name is Wayne N. Messina and I am a candidate for the Central City Council. I truly...
CS | December 30, 2009Sobriety Checkpoint Results
Four people were arrested and several received citations during a sobriety checkpoint performed by the East Baton Rouge...
CS | December 23, 2009Cease Fire of 1914- Did You Know?
On Christmas in 1914, in the midst of World War 1 in Europe, a cease fire took place...
CS | December 23, 2009Online Economic Development Survey
The City of Central government has created a SURVEY that residents of Central are encouraged to fill out online....
CS | December 22, 2009Travis Richard Receives West Point Nomination
Travis Richard is a senior at Central Private School. Travis had already been accepted to West Point. All...
CS | December 22, 2009Candy Canes- Did You Know?
Candy canes began as plain white sticks of sugar candy. The current hooked shape of candy canes is...
CS | December 22, 2009Weekly Schools Update
Schools are off this week for the Christmas holiday. Central Community School students return to school on Monday,...
CS | December 22, 2009City Council, P&Z Meet Next in January
The Central City Council and Planning and Zoning Commission, which would normally have meetings this week, will not...
CS | December 22, 2009Santa’s Reindeer- Did You Know?
The names of eight of Santa’s reindeer (Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Donner, and Blitzen) were originally...